Guild Gear
I believe that we should have the option of Guild Hats that replace the appearance of our current headgear. It would look like the Pope's, except be in your Guild colors. Your symbol would be displayed by an LED spinner on the top of the hat, which will also allow you to fly for short periods of time [like darktroopers].
Either way, it would look better than those female Warrior helms...
Everyone seems to be proposing things that go on top of our gear.
As an alternative, I would like to propose guild gear alternatives that replace the skin, but not function, of an equipped gear.
A guild shield that replaced your ugly Round or undyeable Pre-Order shield would be cool. It would look just like your cape, but on a shield. Shape can be determined later.
For the discreet, a guild headband that replaces your current headgear with a simple headband of just your guild colors would be cool. I don't know if it'll be tied [like the Ninja Turtles] or stretch [like athletics]. It may even have your guild symbol engraved in the middle [or on the tails if it ends up tied].
You could take this idea further and apply it to other things, like special weapons or even clothing [presenting Guild Nikes!]. What do you guys think?